Saturday, November 20, 2004

Hey haha... like the picture? took me a long long time to try to ermm collage it.. is that how u say it? hehe.... The background pictures were taken with xuehui's *new* sony ericson phone camera.. sud! Me and her in the central library one day..... having almost nothing better to do... apparently... haha :) Me and Xuehui, we make the best of friends man.. hahaa:) THe other pictures, ermm 2 in chinatown with me baobei family and the solo one in KL.. yep.. :)
Noe wat, i'm *supposed* to be studying, and mugging for my next paper.. psych, yet.... i haven't even studied today... Uhoh... Nvm, i shall follow what Selene said eh? I've got Jesus.. Keke
Today's bible study was *GOOD*!! Wow, it was about relationships, marriage and the like... So many things that pastor burns said were so good.. God shall indeed supply me exceedingly abundantly above all i ask or wish for!!! So, clears throat *erhmm*, you all are gonna be so jealous of my next boyfriend.. Because, i'm gonna wish for more... quot& I'm not stupid " By pastor Prince... heehee
It's really true, that a Christian life should never be just mediocre.. I shine forth His glory...
Hmmm come to think about it, i was like that just last year... On fire for God, exuberating His goodness and glory!! Everyone could see!
Well i hafta say, that in the past months i have, in a sense back slidden.. I still love God very much no doubt.... It's just that hunger for God, the fire for God.... Hmmm...... And i think that's why also my life has started to take on a more mediocre note....
Well no worries for me... Praise God, that there's no condemnation unto me, it's Him who's doing all the good works in me and thru me, so i shall not worry about this... Oh man, and HM!!! That, shall be what i call.... REChargE!!! I want back that Christ factor in me... not that i've lost it... More like its been hidden and masked by all the worldly unworthy concerns that i've allowed to take prior place in my life, and i pray to God that my Christ factor shall re surface... and it will... Hallelujah!!
Ok there's so much to say since i haven't blogged in a while... Let me just comment about my thai oral exam... it was. *erhmmm*........... (dots)........ Hahha... Me and Daphne started to just blabber, and i mean blabber, nonsense when we realised that what we'd prepared for the conversation was Not ENOUGH... Can u believe it??? We went according to the script wat... totally.... and the 2 ?aacaan (teachers) said it wasn't enough... so at that time, my 'quick, witty' brains just threw out whatever came to mind most readily... (in psychological terms, availability heuristics... i think) Like hello, my name is Pearlyn, wat's urs? how old are u? how many siblings do u have?... blahblahblah.... TOTAlly UnRelated to our conversation topic (relating to a scene of shopping in Takashimaya)!!!
Hmmm..... Nvm, i've got Jesus... haha... Oh well, a consolation, at least, was that my 2 test papers that were returned to me that day scored full marks.... so, as i said, i've got Jesus!! Haha.
Then today for my EL papers, i almost fainted outta panic... i was panicking for all the stupid things... like whether i'd be able to get to sch on time (when i was clearly gonna be punctual) whether i'd be able to do the paper.. Thank God it wasn't that bad...
So, psych test is gonna be on mon... I'm quite worried for the analytical qns... but well, by far God hasn't let me down for psych.... so i shall have good news to come.. :)