Saturday, November 26, 2005
Indecisiveness. the very element that is so innate in me; the very element that always disgusts me. Sometimes i feel that I am a walking contradiction no doubt, certain times waiting, pinning for things i shouldn't yearn for, at others giving up affairs i never should. The worst part of the entire thing, is that more than half the time i know not what i should have held on to, and what i ought to have let go.
Why am i letting gloom dominate at this point? is it totally attributable to the studying for exams that have been so mercilessly boring, or is it just a well part of one of my current episodes of indecisiveness, and canny unknowingness of what i ought do?
I say a mixture would do good in explaining. Pardon me, but at this point i feel justified in using a most familiar (to me at least) statistical term to explain a phenomena like this. Mediation. indecisiveness --> exams-->gloom; or does it work the other way? see, my point exactly. whatever.
Well at least, at least i have a Hope. At least i know for sure, that my God WILL bring me through this eventually nomatter what junk i seem to feel now. At least i am secure, in knowing, that this too shall pass away. That, when i am weak, then He is strong. Something that John brought up a few cgs ago, which i've since clung on to. At least i know i'm not Pearlyn of the past, having gloom and expecting doom. I HAVE a HOPE. A Hope which never fails. Beat that.