waltzing through the meadows and pretties of life.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
oh man. i miss jo.. i really do... she is just so anointed, and so strong in Him. I just spent some time reading through her most recent multiply entry, which i so always enjoy doing so cuz of no.1 her very beautiful style of writing and no.2, more importantly, the beauty of her journey with Him, as i always see her being so strengthened by Him, in every circumstance. Lord, that is the kind of life i yearn for, the kind of journey i desire. A double portion. Can i have a double portion of that anointing? sometimes i just feel, that life's so much of a contradiction of me. A moment's laughters, another's tears. Having a whole foray and myriad of emotions striving for foremost place in all of my predicaments, sometimes it just feels as though life is just slowly being drawn away from me.
Indecisiveness. the very element that is so innate in me; the very element that always disgusts me. Sometimes i feel that I am a walking contradiction no doubt, certain times waiting, pinning for things i shouldn't yearn for, at others giving up affairs i never should. The worst part of the entire thing, is that more than half the time i know not what i should have held on to, and what i ought to have let go.
Why am i letting gloom dominate at this point? is it totally attributable to the studying for exams that have been so mercilessly boring, or is it just a well part of one of my current episodes of indecisiveness, and canny unknowingness of what i ought do?
I say a mixture would do good in explaining. Pardon me, but at this point i feel justified in using a most familiar (to me at least) statistical term to explain a phenomena like this. Mediation. indecisiveness --> exams-->gloom; or does it work the other way? see, my point exactly. whatever.
Well at least, at least i have a Hope. At least i know for sure, that my God WILL bring me through this eventually nomatter what junk i seem to feel now. At least i am secure, in knowing, that this too shall pass away. That, when i am weak, then He is strong. Something that John brought up a few cgs ago, which i've since clung on to. At least i know i'm not Pearlyn of the past, having gloom and expecting doom. I HAVE a HOPE. A Hope which never fails. Beat that.

Monday, November 21, 2005
what happens, when like u know u really should be continuing studying cuz there's exams the very next day and that u know that u aren't exactly super confident in it, but u really really do not wish to study anymore cuz no.1 it is so darn dry, and no.2, more significantly, u are in fear, and u don't know what to study anymore. Sighs. Yes it is so. My mood for the moment. Rite i really shouldn't be confessing this sort of thing. Oh Lord.
I've really done what i could. At least according to my own estimates. How shall i face this? Will my Lord come true for me this time? Hiya nomatter what, all things WILL work out for GOOD! I choose not to let go of this promise!
Oh ok... ya ya... i should go back to study. Wisdom and Favour be multiplied unto me in Jesus' name! Amen!