waltzing through the meadows and pretties of life.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
exactly what i say. when good things are apparent, praise God. When seemingly bad things come, bleahhh... :(

But watch it! Things will turn for GOOD and GOD in Jesus name!...!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

happyy. Daddy God is gooooddd to me!

Such a ******. haha. When I see bad things happening, the complaint and doubt queen comes out. When I see good things, Daddy God is goooddd. |||

But He knows me. He knows my quirks, hou kuan, chou kuan. everything. That's what I love about Him.

Why am I happy? Because I can see Him steering the planning of my Europe trip. Woot!

Going to be romanced by Him in Paris, the very country of Romance. Sweeeeetttttt! <3<3

Monday, November 24, 2008
2.37 am. Endless preparation for my Europe trip. But i like. I enjoy. I look forward to.

tomorrow morning. to send Ah ma to NUH. I'm just glad she's recovering. everytime i think of her i just can't help but recall the very image of her also cupping her hands together in front of her, eyes closed and saying 'gam xia zhu ya so'. Sweeet.

other randoms. went for genrev last sat. indeed i'm entering into another phase of my life. as i look at photos taken by the NUS people, that kind of fun, that kind of times... i see the clear delineation. evitably, inevitably, i'm just no longer part of it. feeling? surreal i guess. and a tinge of envy.

what am i treading into? honestly, no idea. i just Hope in my sure Hope that it'll be good times. no, better times. coming right up and falling into my embrace. looking forward.~~