Sunday, December 10, 2006
Seeing her eyes brim with tears as she made her way down the aisle to meet sean, how we all cheered on and on as she slowly walked past all of us, i can only imagine how she must have felt at that very moment. A moment money definitely cannot buy. I myself was almost moved to tears.
Somehow church weddings are always always so soo different from normal weddings; so much more glory! I'm not being biased. it's a fact and a truth!
When i saw Sean and Tricia, it's like i just saw Daddy's Hand. Suddenly an image jolts into memory. A picture of me at ah gong's wake just a couple of months ago, with pastor Henry leading the svs. And then now i'm seated at a setting where pastor Henry leads again, only that the scenario has changed, the feeling and moods entailing has changed. I really just saw what Daddy God means when His Word says that there is a time for everything.
As i see Tricia and Sean, i just see how He makes everything beautiful in His time =) =)
I simply love weddings.
Oh of course i should add, that i love weddings also cuz i get to dress up! =) no need for further elaboration.
Oh well, it was a very good time to catch up with my nursery darlings too~! How fast time flies eh? My three month break is almost over already! Daddy God, i really cannot make up my mind. I really have got no idea! How am i supposed to leave the ministry, when i see so much success and fruit in it? when my team mates are so awesomely lovely? when i can so picture them walking with me through times to come, to a time when i myself shall be the one walking down the aisle, to a time when i have kids, to a time when my kids enter nursery, to... just life in general.
Can i just continue juggling three ministries? Afterall, ccu is adhoc so it really isn't demanding. Ambs... well slowly but steadily i'm starting see purpose and life in this ministry. Although for sure i cannot say that i am close to the people in ambs. But well as i said, it's slowly and steadily la. =)
Sometimes, honestly i feel, like on one hand i have so many people i know in campus, yet on another hand i feel actually i'm not close to most of them. Honestly, at the end of the day, what is it that matters? Daddy God, if i'm gonna start looking at these things to tell me how loved i am, i really am on shaky grounds. Daddy God, thank you that You love me the most so much unconditionally.
Daddy help me use this Love You have first given to overflow and love others too! In Jesus name AMEN! =)