Wednesday, January 11, 2006

right. i really have not updated this for SO long! haha. i realise that i've left certain things hanging. more particularly in the terms of my results. i'd just wanna say, that my God is just so faithful. After all those trying times whilst attempting to study for the exams last sem, God did what seemed almost impossible. He gave my results higher than what i'd asked for at the beginning of the semester. my CAP was actually even higher than 4.0, which was what i had asked. I wouldn't go into the exact details, but it really is sthg that is so awesome to me. :) And it just so reminded and comforted me in the Hope that i held on to, which wouldn't fail.
And well, i'd just returned from the ultra superbly blessed trip to thailand on sat night. Needless to say further, it was an AWESOME trip! going on a trip with my most favourite people in the face of this Earth, at this point in time at least, it really rocks! it really was a bit like a cg cum family outing. my cg, my parents, xuehui's mum. haha. :)
hmmm i was so glad that i could speak the language too! not ultra fluent, but more or less there i'd say. it was afterall the medium where we experienced their life, their public transport, what buses to take here and there? haha. not like they didn't really understand english. but, oh well.. let me take pride a while la k? haha.
And... there was, the shopping! period. does this need further expounding? haha! did my hair, did my nails, in MBK, which was great! bought my clothes, bought my bags etc etc. ahahha! my most favourite place? Chatuchat! had many erm... experiences there, but, still it was amazing! did i mention that it was HUGE? haha. give me 3 days, and then i'd be confident of covering the place completely.
oh i went to pat phong too. it was... pretty scary actually. the whole time, especially in the beginning after a group of guys uttered some nonsense to me, i was really traumatically preoccupied in making sure i was safe, keeping close to the guys. after which i began to feel more at ease; i was impressed by the fact that some of the guys strudded through the entire market with such stead and coolness, making me feel so protected. hiya well well, all that for an exchange of a sense of accomplishment la, haha. for people who don't know, this is a night market, made known for its erm immense night life. To say that it is the equivalent of Singapore's geylang would be an understatement in itself. walking thru dozens of nightclubs, people dishing brochures into our hands, promoting their 'adventurous' shows to especially the guys, etc etc. it was... interesting. indeed an eye opener i would say.
Hmmm... and then there was khao san market. didn't exactly look around much there as half the time we were trying to look for ben and my parents after being separated from each other. but, the event of the evening, at least for me and a few of the guys, was the locust eating part. everyone ate the maggots. eww, looks gross even as i type here. nvm. moving rite along. and then john, then tathwan, then my dad, then i ate the locust. talking about sense of accomplishment. haha. honestly after that i felt abit defiled. can u believe that? haha. But i was just reminded of my no condemnation in Christ, and then it was ok. haha!
hmmm.. there was another market that was not too bad too. the one we visited on our first night. oh ya, suan lum. was good. especially the massage at the end of it. i was so favoured! i got a much longer back massage than all my friends for the same price paid. Long story. haha.
Oh man, i still have like pages to write. Talking about favour, John and Ben were upgraded into a suite. Not quite favour for ben... haha. but lots for Jonh. Shan't explain why la. And... all of us came back with a different hairdo. i think the one who looks most transformed is Kim Seng! haha i really gotta say that he looks MUCH better after the hairdo. haha! etc etc etc etc... so much more to write. how? oh well forget it. it was just a very very extremely blessed trip la!