Saturday, September 24, 2005
it has been... long. haven't had the time, mainly time, to blog... to really sit down to reflect, and enjoy a wonderful time with Him via this avenue. Today, marks sthg different in my life. Feelings like things ain't gonna be the same anymore. Know wat i mean? In a good way i mean, that is. I'd say, that alieu many others, this season of my life, or our lives for that matter, is gonna take quite a turn. I thank God that He has ordained the turn, that it is just gonna turn out to be very very glorious! And i seriously believe, that Faith is ordained to be my overseer for this season in my life, that i'm just gonna be able to glean so much from her. Really praise God for it. For this entry, I'm gonna be very simple. No facade, no attempts of "sophistication", just Pearlyn. Just now as Kaizhen was sharing, i was just reminded of so many things that God has promised. Things which in my busy schedule, self adsorption so to speak, have been so forgotten and laid aside. Particularly, i was very touched when everyone started to share about serving. About how serving is to firstly bless myself, and how God'd be so faithful to see me thru it all, how He has promised to work all things out. Honestly, i so didn't want to share, and so prayed that Kaizhen wouldn't target me (which i so anticipated coming). But alas, she called me. And... i was so amazed that i could share. And how there and then, i just knew, that i'm called to this ministry for a purpose, and i just will not walk thru it and see nothing come out of it. My time in ambs will not be wasted time, but an anointed one. Particularly liked it when KZ said that availibility means more than ability. This is sthg that i'd heard before, in fact, but had never really sunk in my heart. But somehow, just now it really hit me. Lord, I pray, that You will show me, and i shall not walk this journey wasted, and getting nothing out of it. I want to see Your goodness and mercy in this! That You alone be glorified! Praise You Jesus!
Another thing, was sthg that Faith said. Though we go thru changes all the time, there is one thing that does not change. That is, His love for us. Which is the same yesterday, today and forever. Such a simple truth. But so powerful and impactful to me. Cuz that is the very basis that we lean our faith upon. Sthg eternal, that will never change regardless of anything.
And then, also during supper, Faith shared about just believing, and placing myself at a posture of "I am His Favourite". Really. Power in that. Just believing that could make such a difference. Can u imagine, if u're His Favourite, are u not in the best position to receive everything He has for u? Oh how great His love is, is sthg i could and would never be able to understand. And that spoke to me too! Lord i want my Thailand trip. As Your favourite. Most favoured! I receive! Lord i want my good grades. As Your favourite, most favoured, I receive! Lord i want my family to be so tremendously blessed! As Your favourite, most favoured, I receive! etc etc! I receive! For You started a good work in my life, and You will maintain it! Because, Pearlyn is the disciple whom Jesus loves. Praise You Jesus!