Saturday, February 05, 2005
i won't go into the details of describing the ball la... basically, there was just a lot of introducing done... outta whom i can't remember almost every name haha... and err... well it kinda felt like an adult world thing... seemed like the famous saying 'behind every successful man there's a woman' haha, it was like, the girls were just there to complement their dates... yea... no big role played... then there was also quite a bit of photo taking...
hmmm... i'm waiting for Bertrand to send the photos over to me now... my stupid camera died on me after taking just 3,4 photos... i shall just post some of them up i suppose... instead of writing further...

pretty or not? haha so thick skin... ;p

The above pic is with me and melissa... my primary 1-4 classmate... can't believe we still recognise each other... then the other guy, kai xiang, apparently was from peichun too... my neighbour class somemore... but i have totally no recollection leh... hmmm...

This girl, i just met... catherine.. nice girl... we entertained each other haha... she took a photo using her phone camera of us... very nice that pic... heehee she sent it to me haha :)

yeps.... that's it... ohh btw... fullerton food... hmmm... ermmm... ok la... the dessert's good... had this chocolate thing... yumyum!! hmmm and also, had cuppachino celerie dunno wat soup... it was in french or wat... think it contained coffee and celery... like... hmmm..... different... not exactly not nice... but i didn't finish nonetheless... oh well.... :)